Monday, April 12, 2010


Yesterday I went to the DC Zoo to check out the orangutan exhibit. There were orangutans playing peek-a-boo, and I got some neat pictures of them eating and playing. The youngest orangutans there were my age (23). In captivity, orangutans can live up to 60 years.

Orangutans are critically endangered, and surprisingly enough, there wasn't any information available in the exhibit on this issue. The foot traffic must reach thousands everyday, and yet no one has taken the initiative to provide educational information on the severity of orangutan genocide at the national zoo. Even a bulletin board would provide valuable information and help bring attention to the general public. The majority of those visiting the exhibit are not aware of the possible approaching extinction of the orangutans. Zoo's are there to educate, and I'd like to see them act as a bigger advocate for the orangutans.

I'll be contacting the Zoo in the near future. Hopefully after I bring this to their attention they will provide information in their exhibit on how palm oil plantations and logging are killing this beautiful, innocent species, and what we can do to help.

Orangutans are listed as highly endangered. There are approximately 30,000 left. 80% of their habitat has been destroyed in the past 25 years. 90% in the past 100 years.

 orangutans in the wild could disappear from Sumatra and Borneo in 10 years, to be found only in zoos, scientists have warned. Since 1998, the orangutan population in Sumatra has been declining by 1,000 a year, due mainly to the accelerated destruction of their habitat. -

Orangutans are classified as an endangered species. This means that if actions are not taken to counteract threats to their survival, Orangutans are at risk of extinction in the near future. Experts estimate that this could perhaps happen within the next 10-20 years. -

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Once every 8 years....

Orangutan means "person of the forest." These highly intelligent inhabitants are 97.6% genetically related to us. Orangutans stand 5 feet tall, and remarkably, their arm length stretches 7 feet from fingertip to fingertip!

Their arms are so long because they spend 90% of their time in the forest home. Orangutans even catch their ZZ's on leafy branches. When it rains, orangutans will use large leaves as umbrella's to protect themselves.

Orangutans dine out in the trees too! They eat bark and insects.

Orangutan males are not too social. They are pretty much loners in the forest, and make loud calls when they move about to let others know not to come near. This isn't out of aggression, they just like their alone time.

Females are different. Mothers and infants share a very strong bond. Mothers stay with their young for seven years, to ensure that they have all the skills necessary for survival in the forest. Female orangutans can only have a baby once every eight years! This is the longest out of any animal. Orangutans live up to 60 years.

The rainforest and it's tree's are so vital to orangutans. Without their home they cannot survive. Hundreds are killed everyday because of land cleared to cultivate palm oil and logging. When hundreds are killed, and females are only able to reproduce once every 8 years, how can we save them?

There are 10 years left until the orangutan species numbers will be so low that saving them will be virtually impossible.

Palm oil is an unnecessary ingredient in sweets, soaps, candles, etc. Please, before you buy, read the label. By not purchasing palm oil you are voting for the future. Your purchases can either save or contribute to the genocide of orangutans.

If you stop buying chocolates, cakes, muffins, etc. that contain palm oil your life will go on like normal. There are always alternatives to buy, and those companies need to be supported right now to show your stance. Each time you purchase a product with palm oil listed in its ingredients, you are showing the world that is is ok to wipe out an entire species over snacks and desserts. That isn't human.

We need to show the world what we are made of.

Please, write to your favorite companies that are buyers of palm oil and let them know that you love their product, but can't support them until they stop buying palm oil.

And let them make you a fool by claims of using "sustainable" palm oil. Please refer to earlier blogs for more information.

Thursday, March 18, 2010



Thank you all for your support sending Nestle messages asking them to stop using palm oil.

Today Nestle (the worlds biggest food company!) announced that they will cease buying palm oil from Sinar Mas. Sinar Mas is the palm oil plantation that supplied Unilever. Unilever was the worlds biggest purchaser of palm oil, and last month they decided to stop buying palm oil after they discovered that Sinar Mas was destroying the rainforest.

Nestle's palm oil plantations were certified by the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil - again proving that the company makes no effort to ensure their palm oil is not killing orangutans or destroying the rainforest.

Do not be fooled by companies saying they buy certified palm oil.

Follow ups by Greenpeace will ensure that Nestle isn't buying palm oil from third party suppliers.

Considering the amount of palm oil Nestle places in their products, it will be tough for them to get that amount from palm oil plantations that use sustainable practices.

Sustainable palm oil just doesn't exist. The land used for sustainable palm oil is limited. There is no way to supply the demand without destroying the rainforest. That is why we need to encourage companies to find alternative oils. The problem won't stop until companies replace or eliminate palm oil from their products.

While Nestle's decision is a temporary victory, we need to take it as encouragement that we can help change the situation and we can make a difference in our world.

Indonesian officials have said they aim to more than double the country's crude palm oil output to 40 million tonnes by 2020 through increased yields and more plantations. 

Rainforest destruction in Indonesia make it one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. It also kills hundreds of orangutans every day.

Palm oil is an unnecessary oil. We need to keep educating, and keep making an effort.

We can do this together. Together, we can protect the orangutans from genocide.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Break me off a piece of that orangutan hand...


Greenpeace is putting the pressure on...

Contact Nestle here:

It only takes a minute. Orangutans shouldn't die for candy...

Please, spread the word.

And thank you for taking time to support teamORANGUTAN.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Candy that contains palm oil: Please write to the companies and ask them to stop using palm oil. There are alternative oils they can use. It just takes a couple of minutes. The sooner they switch to an alternative oil - the sooner we can enjoy our favorite candies! How can you munch on these knowing that you're killing orangutans for it? Not so yummy...


Yes, Cheez-It's too...